Your are #1 With Us
We do our best to answer your messages as promptly as possible during business hours. In addition, we strive to keep you updated on delays or anything that may interfere with the normal process of your date.
Although Dream Girls TJ is relatively new on the scene, we are nowhere near “new to the game.” We bring years of experience in the Tijuana Escort scene. We understand that customer service is the key to any business, and we strive to maintain the highest levels of service in a very unpredictable environment.
We do our best to answer your messages as promptly as possible during business hours. In addition, we strive to keep you updated on delays or anything that may interfere with the normal process of your date.
We are very transparent with our pricing. Our donation amount is for a GFE experience and all that this entails. We do not give you a price and then upcharge for things that should already be included. We do not play games with your hard-earned money.
We write rarely, but only the best content.
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